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    The Hong Kong Prize 2022

    Hong Kong Prize – the unique competition that celebrates the best of the city and its people. The competition is open to individuals, teams and organisations, and prizes are awarded in a wide range of categories. Winners will be recognised for their outstanding achievements and contributions to the community, as well as receiving cash awards and other perks. There are also opportunities to participate in educational and training activities and win scholarships.

    The prize was established in 2022 by Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited with a view to attracting world-class scientific talent to the city while supporting forward thinking scientists in developing Hong Kong as an active research and innovation hub. An independent Review Committee and Compliance Oversight Team evaluate candidates based on their scientific research achievements, and how these have been applied or transformed to create social or economic value.

    This award recognises academic researchers in the field of Hong Kong studies, with a focus on the theme of “Hong Kong and beyond”. The winner will receive an engraved gold medal and prize money worth HK$200,000. The research must be scholarly in nature and be published in an academic journal. It should contribute to the understanding of Hong Kong’s place in Chinese and global history, as well as the development of a research agenda that connects with other disciplines.

    Its aim is to encourage undergraduate and postgraduate students in Hong Kong to study the city’s history, politics, society, and culture, and develop innovative approaches and theories that are useful to a broad spectrum of readers. The winning entry will be selected from the pool of submissions by a panel comprising scholars of international standing. The judging criteria will include research methodology, objectivity, footnotes and citation.

    In addition to the grand prize of HK$500,000, there are 10 runner-up prizes of HK$25,000 each. Each runner-up will also have the chance to attend exclusive lectures and workshops with Hong Kong experts on topics in Hong Kong history.

    The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra was awarded the 2024 prize for its completion of a four-year project to record and perform Wagner’s Ring cycle, which will be released in a box-set in November. The HK$200,000 awarded to the HK Phil will be used for the orchestra’s education and outreach programme.